Consider your local library as a source for help in
completing your writing and/or illustrating projects!
The Mercer County Lawrence Branch Library offers a variety of informative computer classes facilitated by MaryLou Byer, Library Associate and Computer Instructor and Robert Bee, Senior Librarian and Computer Trainer. I recently attended an open lab time class where I spoke to the above mentioned computer experts to obtain information and instruction about blogs.
What are some of the computer classes offered by the library?
completing your writing and/or illustrating projects!
The Mercer County Lawrence Branch Library offers a variety of informative computer classes facilitated by MaryLou Byer, Library Associate and Computer Instructor and Robert Bee, Senior Librarian and Computer Trainer. I recently attended an open lab time class where I spoke to the above mentioned computer experts to obtain information and instruction about blogs.
What are some of the computer classes offered by the library?
The classes that we offer range from beginner to very advanced. We usually run between 25-30 per month. The Beginner and Intermediate classes are repeated every month, while the Advanced classes will rotate every few months. In the Beginner Level, the classes include Mouse Basics, PC Basics, Internet 1, Library Catalog and Open Lab Time. In the Intermediate Level, the classes include E-Mail 1 and 2, Excel 1 and 2, PC Essentials, Internet 2, and Word 1 and 2. The Advanced Level classes include Blogging, Digital Audio and Overdrive, Digital Photography 1 and 2, Dreamweaver 1 and 2, eLibraryNJ, Excel 3, Facebook, Family History, Internet 3, Legal Resources Online, NoveList, PC Advanced, PowerPoint 1 and 2, Publisher, Resume Makeover, Twitter, Web 2.0, and Word 3 and 4. Tutorials which are Internet-based lessons done at your own pace are available at practice sessions and through your own internet connection at
For a more complete list and description of classes offered at the Mercer County Lawrence Branch Library visit